Crimean Journal of Internal Diseases -31-2016-#4

To help the practitioner

Psychological rehabilitation make-up of patients after acute coronary syndrome..........5

O.N. Kryuchkova, E.A. Itskova., J.A. Lutai, E.U. Turna., E.A. Kostyukova

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease – a long time, “a book that had been read along ago”or Terra incognita of modern pulmonology..........9

N.V. Zhukova, V.V. Kilessа, M.G. Shkadovа, E.A. Kostyukova

Lectures and Reviews

Effect of vitamin D on the onset and progression of diseases of the cardiovascular system (review)..........13

A.V. Dubovaya

The role of external factors and internal environment in the development and progression of chronic generalized periodontitis (review)..........19

I.G. Romanenko, E.A. Kekosh

World News

New european guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent st elevation 2015...........23

O.N. Kryuchkova, Е.А. Itskova, E.U. Turna, E.A. Kostyukova, Y.A. Lutai

Original articles

Clinical and laboratory assessment of treatment outcome of drug-addicted patients with osteomyelitis of the jaws..........28

S.G. Bezrukov, V.L. Sayenko, M.S. Anosov

Features of reference of patients with cardiovascular diseases on dental reseption..........35

D.Y. Kryuchkov, I.G. Romanenko, А.А. Dzhereley, S.M. Gorobets, S.A. Bobkova

Monitoring the risk of cardiac disorders in patients with schizophrenia..........40

Ye.N. Minina, Yu.V. Bobrik, A.V. Kulinchenko

The etiology of disorders fixation of non-removable dental designs...........46

S.N. Orekhov, S.V. Matveev

Features of cellular immunity in athletes rowers violations heart rhythm index declining anabolism..........50

V.S. Vasilenko, N.D. Mamiev, E.B. Karpovskaya

Conflict potential in medical practice: philosophical and legal aspects..........55

M.N. Gurenko-Vajcman, A.V. Jurista

Complex treatment and rehabilitation of patients with surround defects mandible..........61

A.A. Sletov, D.V. Mihalchenko, A.V. Zhidovinov