Crimean Journal of Internal Diseases-27-2015-4
Lectures and reviews
O.N. Kryuchkova, M.A. Bubnova, K.S. Trebunskiy
Diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis according to EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines 2015..........9
I.L. Kliaritskaia, E.O. Shelihova, E.V. Semenihina
To help the practitioner
Modern approaches to diagnosis of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) syndrome..........19
A.P. Balabantseva, I.L. Kliaritskaia
Hepatic Encephalopathy in Chronic Liver Disease: Clinical Practice Guideline (Part I)..........28
I.L. Kliaritskaia, E.V. Maksimova, E.I. Grigorenko
O.N. Kryuchkova, E.A. Itskova, E.U. Turna, U.A. Lutay
Modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment of pericarditis..........41
U.A. Lutay, O.N. Kryuchkova, E.A. Itskova, E.U. Turna
M.G. Shkadova, V.V. Kilessa, N.V. Zhukova
News From Symposia and Conferences
According to the materials of XXV National Congress on Respiratory Diseases..........58
E.A. Kostyukova, N.V. Zhukova, O.N. Kryuchkovа, M.A. Zakharova
Original articles
Diya Kaoud
O.A. Neprelyuk, O.L. Irza
Risk factors of diabetic autonomic neuropathy of heart in patients with diabetes type 2..........76
V.A. Tsvetkov, S.N. Chernuha, I.A. Viltsanyuk, V.N. Kunitsa
Hiatal hernia (HH) in therapeautic practice..........80
A.V. Tumarenko V.V. Skvortsov