Crimean Journal of Internal Diseases-23-2014-2
Lectures and reviews
Efficacy of Combined Therapy in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease..........7
I.L. Klyaritskaya, A.P. Balabantseva, Ye.I. Grigorenko, D. Shakhbazidi
D.U. Kryuchkov, I.G. Romanenko, A.A. Dzhereley, O.N. Kryuchkovа
Tetralogy of Fallot: cardio care transformation from child to adult..........21
I. Lebid, O. Kruchkova, I. Liebied, J. Lutai
World news
E.A. Itskova, O.N. Kruchkova, J.A. Lutai, E.U. Turna, G.Shakhbazidi
O.N. Kryuchkova, E.A. Itskova, E.U. Turna, Y.A. Lutay
New approaches to the assessment of biopsies in inflammatory bowel disease..........38
I.L. Klyaritskaya, Y.A. Moshko, I.A. Viltsanyuk
To help the practitioner
A. Balabantseva
Microcirculatory channel – is the “priority goal” of the hypertension..........69
V.V. Kilessa, T.G. Philonenko, A.V. Kilessa, G.S. Kilessa
Nebulizer therapy in pulmonology. Opportunities and prospects...........74
E.A. Kostyukova, O.N. Kryuchkovа, N.V. Zhukovа, M.A. Zakharova, E.I. Lebed
The lesion of the cardiovascular system in HIV infection..........82
T.N. Mudritska, E.U. Turna, M.A. Zakharova, E.I. Grigorenko
Perioperative arterial hypertension. The diagnosis, preventing and treatment...........89
T.N. Mudritska, O.A. Kalinovsky, V.P. Brazhko, D.S. Hritsenko
Clinical Practical Guidelines: Management of Hepatitis C..........99
I.L. Klyarytskaya, E.I. Stilidi, G. Shakhbazidi
Original articles
O.L. Irza
Estimation of cardiosurgery care for adults with congenital heart diseases..........112
I.G. Lebid, N.M. Rudenko, O.D. Bablyak, O.M. Romanyuk, I.M. Yemets
Hematological changes in HCV/HIV-infected patients, effectiveness of management..........118
E.S. Mamedova
Problems of rehabilitation of patients with hemophilia in the Crimea..........123
V.P. Mostovoy, V.B. Kaliberdenko, M.Ya. Kiseleva, R.K. Il’yasov, Yu.V. Muravskaya.
O.A. Nepreluk
I.L. Klyaritskaya, Y.S. Rabotjagova
I.L. Klyaritska, V.V. Kryvy, Matrau Sifallah
O.N. Kryuchkova, E.U. Turna, L.D. Mamedieva
N. Zhukova, O. Kryuchkova