Terms of publication in the "Crimean Journal of Internal Diseases"

The editorial board of the Crimean Therapeutic Journal suggest that you strictly comply with the requirements for articles submitted to our journal. These conditions are based on the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Articles are published in Russian and English.

Rules review articles are submitted to the magazine, set out on the website of the magazine -crimtj.ru

Text is typed in formats compatible with MS Office, without manual transfers. Font – 12 points, spacing -2, sheet size A4, field of at least 2 cm addition to electronic form, it is desirable to provide a printed version of the article.. The paper should not exceed the original study – half a thousand words, a review or a lecture – three thousand words, summary or case studies – 750 words.

On the first page are indicated in the following order: the title of the article, the names and initials of the authors, the institution where the authors work, the city, the country (for foreigners), keywords.

Original articles should have the following sections: "Objective", "Materials and Methods", "Results and Discussion" "Conclusions".

All drawings are submitted only in TIFF, JPEG or PNG format with a quality of 300-600 dpi or CorelDraw! or SVG.

Do not place illustrations in the original text of the manuscript. It is recommended to insert in the text of the article links that indicate the desired places for linking the illustrations to the text, and provide the drawings themselves as separate files.

Pictures that are screenshots of the PowerPoint presentation slides are not accepted. If you want to post them in our journal, they should be recreated in a graphical editor and match the above format.

Each illustration should have its own number and name.

In the text of the original article there can be no more than 2 tables or illustrations. In the lecture or review article, the volume of tables and illustrations can not be more than 10% of the volume of the text. Each table must have a number and a name.

Mathematical formulas are given only in the form of figures in the formats indicated above.

References to the literature in the text are given under the numbers in square brackets. References of original articles should not exceed 15 sources, and for lectures and reviews – 40 sources. If the article has four authors or more, you must specify the first three authors, and then write "et al." In the original articles, references to literature sources no older than 5 years should predominate.

You need to provide information about the authors of the article: name, surname, patronymic (all – completely), place of work, position, academic degree, institution address, contact phone number, e-mail.

The SI system and the international (non-proprietary) names of pharmacological preparations should be used in publications. Trade names of the preparations are given in the section "Materials and Methods".

Each article should have a summary in Russian and English. It contains the full title of the article, initials and surnames of the authors. The volume of the summary is 150-250 words. The abstract should fully reflect the structure, content of the article and conclusions, have keywords

The editorial board reserve the right, at their own discretion and without further agreement with the authors, to shorten and correct the articles provided, as well as to publish articles in the form of short messages or annotations.

The direction of the editorial board of works printed in other publications, or sent to other editorial board are not allowed.

The authors are responsible for the scientific and literary content of the material presented, citations, and references. Manuscripts, CDs, DVDs, drawings, photographs and other materials sent to the editorial office are not returned.

All articles sent for publication in the Crimean Therapeutic Journal are tested for plagiarism

The articles sent to our editorial board must comply with the requirements of the Regulations on the Ethics of Scientific Publications in the Crimean Therapeutic Journal, which is available on the website of our journal.

The fact that you provide an article for publication in the Crimean Therapeutic Journal indicates that you have read and agree to these "Terms of publication", and agree to comply with them.

Editorial board