
Crimean Journal of Internal Diseases -25-2015-2

Lectures and reviews

Arterial hypertension in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: pathogenetic features and daily dynamics of blood pressure..........5

O.N. Kryuchkova, E.U. Turna, M.A. Martynyuk

Perspectives of probiotics in clinical gastroenterology..........10

E.I. Stilidi, I.L. Klyarytskaya, E.I. Grigorenko, V.V. Kryvy

World news

Opportunities of cancer prevention using ursodeoxycholic acid..........18

I.L. Klyaritskaya, E.V. Maksymova, E.I. Stilidi

Celiac disease. Medical tactics in light of new clinical guidelines...........24

Y.A. Moshko, I.A. Viltsanyuk

Promising directions of obesity treatment..........31

O.N. Kryuchkova, D. Shakhbazidi, G. Shakhbazidi, M.Narodia, D.Y. Kryuchkov

Original articles

Modern approaches towards of acetonemic syndrome metabolic treatment..........36

N.V. Konisheva, Y.J. Galayeva, I.S. Yevtushenko, A.A. Galayeva, O.M. Dolia

New horizons fixed antihypertensive therapy..........41

O.N. Kryuchkova, E.A. Itskova, Y.A. Lutai, E.Y. Turna

Clinical value of CYP2C19 polymorphism in patients with refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease..........49

I.L. Klyaritskaya, Y.S. Rabotyagova

The role of IL-8 and LBP in the pathogenesis of bacterial overgrowth syndrome in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis..........54

I.L. Klyaritskaya, E.V. Semenikhina

Morphological argumentation of the H. pylori eradication tactics choice in patients with undifferentiated connective tissue disorders..........61

I.A. Viltsanyuk, S.N. Chernukha, Y.A. Moshko

The significance of H. pylori infection in patients with chronic renal failure..........67

I.L. Klyarytska, V.V. Kryvy, Matraou Seefallah

Dysmotility of the digestive system in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease and obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2..........73

I.L. Klyarytskaya, V.V. Kryvy, E.V. Semenikhina, Ratan Kumar Gupta