Crimean Journal of Internal Diseases 2012 #1(18)


Lectures and Reviews

Comparative effectiveness of different proton pump inhibitors in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. .......4

I.L. Klyaritskaya, A.P. Balabantseva

World News

Features of diagnostics and treatment in a patient with peripartum cardiomyopathy........9

ON Kryuchkova, EA Itskova, YU.A Kucherenko, TA Mikula

European and international organizations of hepatologists.......12

IL Klyaritskaya, Y. Moshko

Diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in the provisions of the Maastricht consensus IV........16

I. Klyarytska, V. Kryvy, I. Iskova

Improving the efficiency of current standards of treatment for patients infected with the 1st and not 1st  hepatitis C genotypes........29

T. Tsapyak

Leptin – a key element in the pathogenesis of obesity.......33

O.N. Kryuchkova, D. Shakhbazidi, G. Shakhbazidi

Arrhythmogenic dysplasia of the right ventricle.......37


Original articles

Analysis of the microbial spectrum taxonomic «landscape» of the mucous membranes of craniofacial patients with maxillary post implantation syndrome........48

A.A. Asmolova

Efficiency in the treatment of lansoprola gastroesophageal reflux disease.......53

I.L. Klyaritskaya, A.P. Balabantseva

Tivortin and selenium-aktiv combination influence on circulating immune complexes level and medial molecules in treatment of patients with essential hypertension in combination with duodenum peptic ulcer .......57

Yu.G. Burmak, T.V. Kozlenko

Evaluating the effectiveness of metformin in treatment of generalized periodontitis in patients with metabolic syndrome........61

D. U. Kruchkov, I. G. Romanenko.

The relevance of primary prevention of cardiovascular disease at a young age in students of medical college .......66

ON Kryuchkova, EA Itskova, AI Kolisnichenko, YA Lutay

Features of neurological clinic and cerebral hemodynamics for patients with the chronic obstructive diseases of lights and komorbidnoy by cerebrovascular pathology.......68

G.MKushnir, I.VKuncevskaya

Differentiation of neutral lipids in patients by a diabetic nephropathy with a combination of atherosclerosis.......74

A.A. Nesen

Features of bone metabolism, metabolism of connective tissue and bone mineral density in certain forms of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia.......78

OA-Pasieshvili, AB Andrusha

The experience of the drug papainus using in the complex treatment of patients with osteoarthrosis and comorbid gastropathology.......83

LM Pasieshvili, LN Bobro

State of local nonspecific proteinase-inhibitory building dysplastic nevi and melanoma skin.......88


The role of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-6 in the pathogenesis of NASH........91

E.I. Stilidi

Dynamics change of some cytokines under the influence of combined therapy with derinat and triovite application in patients with chronic bronchitis in combination with duodenum peptic ulcer .......99

Yu.G. Burmak, V.AUsenko

Infringement structural and functional state of myocardium in patients with arterial hypertension and heart valve calcification.......103

O.V. Yuzvyshyna

State of lipid peroxidation and lipoproteins lipid complex in patients with comorbidities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic pancreatitis.......109

N.M. Zhelezniakova, T.S. Bryuzgina

Condіtіon apoptosіs and a cytokіne homoeostasіs at chіldren wіth gastroduodenal pathology dependіng on pathogenіcіty of Helіcobacter pylorі.......114


Experience the clinician

Pulmonary embolism. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment approaches on the example of the case........119

N.VZhukova, M.AZakcharova, O.NKryuchkova

Experience in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. New technologies (case report)........127

RK Useinov, IA Iskova, SN Zakharova, IL Klyaritskaya